
DOT to Reschedule DBE Listening Session – Please Complete Survey on Cost of DBE Compliance

A “Listening Session” scheduled by U.S.DOT seeking comments on proposed changes to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) regulations that apply to the Federal-aid highway, transit and Federal Aviation Administration programs will be rescheduled and the deadline for written comments will be extended DOT has informed ϲʿԤ. The “Listening Session,” originally set for Oct. 9, but cancelled due to the government shutdown, was initiated because comments submitted by ϲʿԤ, ϲʿԤ chapters and members, ARTBA and others on the 75-page proposal called into question the real impact of the proposed changes. As a result, DOT has determined that this rulemaking is a “significant” rule and therefore a cost-benefit analysis is necessary before moving forward. DOT’s “Listening Session” and comment period extension were scheduled to provide further input on the “specific, quantifiable costs and benefits” that would result from the proposed changes. ϲʿԤ will be participating in the rescheduled “Listening Session” and submitting written comments. To help generate the cost information requested, ϲʿԤ and ARTBA have joined in asking members to complete a short survey. Many of you have already responded to the joint survey. If you have not, the deadline for responding to the ϲʿԤ/ARTBA survey has been extended to Nov. 1, 2013. ϲʿԤ and ARTBA will tabulate the confidential results and include them in new comments to DOT. A link to the survey is below. Please contact Brian Deery at with any questions. .