
House and Senate Continue Consideration of Transportation Reauthorization Bills

The House and Senate have begun deliberation on their respective versions of the transportation reauthorization legislation, but long lists of amendments in both chambers have slowed down progress. As a result, final action on both bills has been postponed until after the Present鈥檚 Day congressional recess. In the House, the legislation has been broken into three separate bills that will each be considered independently. The bills will be recombined as each section is approved. One bill allows for expanded leasing opportunities for additional oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, in parts of Alaska鈥檚 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and for shale oil production on public lands. The revenue from these leases will be deposited in the Highway Trust Fund. Another addition to this portion of the legislation is an initiative to expedite construction of the Keystone oil pipeline. This bill is currently under consideration and will be voted on before week鈥檚 end. A second portion of the bill that provides an offset to allow for the revenue needed to pay for the bill鈥檚 funding levels will be debated next and possibly voted on this week. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced a vote on the transportation and funding portions of the bill will be postponed until after next week鈥檚 recess. Speaker Boehner indicated that allowing an opportunity for consideration of the nearly 260 amendments that have been offered will take more time than is available this week. In the Senate, a number of amendments unrelated to the bill have been proposed and brought up for consideration. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled a cloture vote for tomorrow that, if successful, will limit debate and allow consideration of the underlying bill to proceed following the recess. Leader Reid said he is confident the Senate will pass its version of the bill and that he views this legislation as the most important being considered by Congress this year.聽 Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) also announced today an agreement on a package of revenue enhancers necessary to fund the Senate bill. While the Finance Committee met last week and approved a package of revenue enhancers, at that time there was not universal agreement and therefore additional negations were necessary. For more information, please contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319