
Senate Approves Highway and Transit Extension to September 30

Following a day of intrigue concerning several different Senators threatening to prevent the bill from moving forward, the Senate by voice vote approved HR 662, legislation extending highway and transit program authorization until September 30, 2011 the end of federal fiscal year 2011. The bill will now go to President Obama who is expected to sign it. This action will prevent a shutdown of the Federal Highway Administration and allow for the continuation of Federal reimbursements to states for ongoing construction projects. The seven month extension will hopefully give Congress time to complete action on a multiyear reauthorization measure. House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) has stated that he thinks this is the last partial extension that will be necessary as he is committed to having the House complete action on a six-year reauthorization bill by the end of May. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has also indicated her intent on having a Senate passed bill by early summer. 澳门六合彩开奖预测 and our transportation and construction industry allies spent the last several weeks educating Members of Congress on the impact that failure to pass an extension would have on state DOTs and the construction industry and also on the need for a long term authorization to bring certainty to the program. For more information, contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or