
澳门六合彩开奖预测 Looks at Climate Bill H.R. 2454: Title IV Transitioning to a Clean Energy Economy

The fourth and final installment of 澳门六合彩开奖预测's summary of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 2454) explains the major provisions of Title IV (Transitioning to a Clean Energy Economy) of interest to the construction industry. Subtitle A-Ensuring Real Reductions in Industrial Emissions The purpose of this section of the bill is to safeguard the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing industries against foreign companies not subject to comparable emissions regulation in two ways.聽 The first would compensate eligible domestic industrial sectors and subsectors for compliance costs incurred under the bill through an Emission Allowance Rebate Program.聽 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would determine which facilities should be eligible for rebates through a rule based on an assessment of economic factors, including 1) the energy or greenhouse gas intensity in a sector and 2) the trade intensity in such sectors.聽 The second would require the president in 2020 to impose on importers a requirement to submit emissions allowances if there is no international agreement in place by 2018 that would ensure globally coordinated reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.聽 In the absence of an international agreement, the importer allowance requirement could be waived only if Congress passes a joint resolution approving the president's decision to do so. Subtitle B-Green Jobs This section would authorize additional funding for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Worker Training Program from $125 million to $150 million annually.聽 It would allow the Secretary of 澳门六合彩开奖预测 to award competitive grants to partnerships for the creation of curricula "focused on emerging careers and jobs in the fields of clean energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change mitigation, and climate change adaptation."聽 The bill would establish a publicly-available, web-based information and resources clearinghouse to assist with career and technical education and job training in the renewable energy sector.聽 Finally, the bill would establish a Green Construction Careers demonstration project "to promote middle class careers and quality employment practices in the green construction sector among targeted workers and to advance efficiency and performance on construction projects...." Subtitle C-Consumer Assistance This section would provide an Energy Tax Credit and Energy Refund Program to compensate low-income households for any reduction in purchasing power due to price increases in energy and other goods and services resulting from the bill. Subtitle E-Adapting to Climate Change This section would create a National Climate Change Adaptation Program within the U.S. Global Change Research Program.聽 It would establish a National Climate Service within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to develop climate information, data, forecasts, and warnings, and to distribute information on climate impacts to state and local decision makers.聽 The bill would distribute emission allowances to states for implementation of adaptation projects, programs or measures contingent on the completion of an approved State Adaptation Plan.聽 Eligible projects include those designed to respond to extreme weather events such as flooding or hurricanes, changes in water availability, heat waves, sea level rise, ecosystem disruption and air pollution. The bill states that it is the policy of the U.S. government to use all practicable means and measures to assist natural resources to adapt to climate change and establishes a Natural Resources climate Change Adaptation Panel, chaired by the White House Council on Environmental Quality, as a forum for interagency coordination on natural resources adaptation.聽 The Panel would be required to develop a Natural Resources Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, and federal agencies, as well as states, would be required to develop adaptation plans.聽 The bill would also establish a National Resources Climate Change Adaptation Fund for a variety of adaptation activities consistent with these plans. What Can Members Do?
  • Read the "澳门六合彩开奖预测 Looks at Climate Bill H.R. 2454" series, the , , and .
  • Take action and write your Senator using the . (澳门六合彩开奖预测, its Chapters and members sent over 2,000 letters to Capitol Hill in response to H.R. 2454).
  • Explore the potential for the real estate and construction industries in climate legislation.聽 This is an evolving discussion draft document resulting from 澳门六合彩开奖预测's meetings and discussions with representatives of the real estate and construction industries and other related groups.
  • Go to and search under "H.R. 2454" to read the bill.
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