
President and Congress Continue to Address Health Care Reform

Despite the week-long congressional recess, congress continues to actively address health care reform. President Obama today held a nationwide town hall meeting where he renewed his desire to sign comprehensive legislation this fall but did not release any new details on a plan. The debate in congress has centered around Republican opposition to a public plan and even some Democrats objecting to the price tag that health care reform could bring. The three committees of jurisdiction in the House have released draft legislation and plan to formally mark up the legislation the week of July 14. They hope to hold a vote on the floor prior to the August recess. Issues of concern to 澳门六合彩开奖预测 remain: definition of full-time employee, part-time and seasonal employee; new payroll taxes; and the coverage benefits an employer would be required to purchase. The Senate Health, 澳门六合彩开奖预测, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee began their mark up last month and will reconvene on July 7. During the congressional break, staff has been working on the controversial components of the legislation on which the committee was unable to find common ground. The sticky points are language regarding public options and shared responsibility. The Senate Finance Committee continues to work on draft legislation and hopes to release formal details next week. The two committee drafts will have to be meshed together prior to addressing the issue on the Senate floor.