
Immigration Expected to be Addressed This Year

This week, the White House made comments on the subject of comprehensive immigration reform. The President will travel to Mexico at the end of April and is expected to make more official comments in May about the general approach the Administration will take on this issue. Despite the long list of items the White House wishes to accomplish in 2009, an advisor to the President said that they want to at least start the debate this year. 澳门六合彩开奖预测 supported comprehensive immigration reform during the 110th Congress to create better control over U.S. borders and provide better interior enforcement against unscrupulous employers. 澳门六合彩开奖预测 advocates for the creation of a new guestworker program in which all labor and employment laws apply. Though the current economic climate makes it difficult for Congress to discuss this issue, 澳门六合彩开奖预测 will remain in this discussion and track developments closely. The issues of employment verification, employer enforcement, changes to the visa programs in our country and the development of any future flow program remain on the agenda.