
Preparing for SAFETEA-LU Reauthorization

One of the major issues to be faced by the 111th Congress which begins in January 2009 is the reauthorization of the federal surface transportation programs. SAFETEA-LU expires on September 30, 2009 which leaves the new Congress and the new Administration only nine months in which to draft and approve legislation to carry these programs into the future. A key issue to be addressed will be how to fund highway and transit projects. With the Highway Trust Fund鈥檚 balance essentially at zero, new revenue will be necessary to provide the amount of funding necessary to address current and future demands. There will be many new members of Congress next year who will not be familiar with the Highway Trust Fund, the Federal-aid Highway program, transportation infrastructure needs and the impact of transportation on America鈥檚 quality of life. 澳门六合彩开奖预测 worked in support of the American Highway Users Alliance to create a publication entitled "The Road to Congress" to educate Congress on the issues related to highway and transit funding. Copies of the binders have been provided to 澳门六合彩开奖预测 chapters and the grass roots network to share with candidates running for office and their staffs. This publication will also be useful to you as you meet with your members of Congress before the election and in the coming months before the reauthorization legislation is considered. Copies are available by contacting .